Always wanted to draw but don't know where to start?
Take a look at this picture and guess the amount of time spent studying Photoshop to create artwork like it. Several years, a thousand hours? Hell no! It's hard to believe, but you'll need just two months... and something more.
2 decembre
Yes, even if you have never drawn on paper, the results will exceed
your expectations.
We have taught thousands of students and know exactly what you need: structure, discipline, and motivation instead of a short course in a foreign language or tons of Youtube tutorials.
"Digital Drawing" course in Italian—your ideal start!
un computer
una tavoletta grafica
un mentore fichissimo
You'll master
a graphics tablet and Photoshop
You'll get familiar
with the basics of academic drawing
You'll learn
to think "like an artist" and draw directly from imagination
You'll create
your first full-fledged digital illustration!
The course concept
The presence of a graphics tablet and Photoshop installed are necessary.
During the course, you will receive eight video lessons, and the teacher will hold eight online meetings with a review of your hometasks. Each lesson is divided into thematic blocks, each becoming available after viewing the previous one.
We give you one month to complete the graduation project and provide you with all the necessary materials and work requirements.

This will help you to assess your project and further develop in digital art. All the recorded videos of the review, homework analysis, and video tutorials will remain with you after the end of the course.
Mi chiamo Roman Kuteynikov
Sono un concept artist e illustratore. Ho cominciato come 3D artist, ma mi piaceva molto disegnare anche illustrazioni 2D. Adesso uso un mix di diverse tecniche per avere risultati veloci di altissima qualità in poco tempo. Insegno da 3 anni, viaggiando spesso per workshop su e giù per l'Italia e all'estero.

Sono un autodidatta. Avendo fatto molta esperienza provando sbagliando e correggendo, so bene quanto sia importante un mentore per un artista principiante

Ti aiuterò a sviluppare i tuoi personali gusti visuali, ti darò le linee guida teoriche e artistiche, per poi metterle in pratica.
Mi chiamo Roman Kuteynikov
Sono un concept artist e illustratore. Ho cominciato come 3D artist, ma mi piaceva molto disegnare anche illustrazioni 2D. Adesso uso un mix di diverse tecniche per avere risultati veloci di altissima qualità in poco tempo. Insegno da 3 anni, viaggiando spesso per workshop su e giù per l'Italia e all'estero.

Sono un autodidatta. Avendo fatto molta esperienza provando sbagliando e correggendo, so bene quanto sia importante un mentore per un artista principiante

Ti aiuterò a sviluppare i tuoi personali gusti visuali, ti darò le linee guida teoriche e artistiche, per poi metterle in pratica.
When I was growing up among gray high-rise buildings, I always wanted to lock myself into my imaginary world full of colors and magic. I remember myself joyfully watching the artist who was creating incredible masterpieces: "How is it possible to make such a beautiful picture from scratch?". Years passed, and now I'm working in game dev and create these inspiring masterpieces.
We prepared a trial lesson for you to understand how the online-learning format works.
Il risultato finale sarà un personaggio completo a colori!
Victoria Dyshkantyuk
ArtСraft isn't only learning from zero to any level you want)) but the family of like-minded people who will always support you, help you, answer any (stupid) questions, motivate you and inspire you to exploit)))) and all that just to share knowledge with you. You guys are fantastic! I thank our mentor for the inspiration and gift of teaching, the leaders for the excellent organization of the course and an extraordinary sensitivity!

Mykola Holoviichuk
Passed the "Digital drawing" course. Very satisfied with the course. I had never drawn on a tablet before and it didn't work very well on paper, and now I can create art in a digital space. The atmosphere and teaching methods of ArtCraft were such that at the end of the course we didn't want to leave. Many thanks to our teacher and curator. As if all the teachers were like in this school, even those ones, who had firmly decided that learning is not for them, would have studied.
Alina Tsemashko
I am extremely grateful to the ArtCraft school for all the valuable knowledge I acquired during the courses ("Digital Design" and "Character Design"), for the unreal pumping of skills, for a regular entry into the field of digital design, for a support for administrators and a positive and friendly atmosphere where I wanted to study and grow more every day. The teachers are good professionals and inspirers !!! Thanks ArtCraft! ❤️
8 pre-recorded lectures + 8 live-streams
8 weeks + graduation work preparation
Photoshop installed, graphics tablet or iPad Pro, Procreate
a total beginner
8 hours full of feedback reviews
ArtCraft dà vita ai sogni di persone creative dal 2016. Insegniamo arte digitale, grafica 2D e 3D, e animazione ai principianti fin dal primo giorno. Gli studenti avanzati possono migliorare le proprie capacità a vantaggio della propria carriera nel settore dei videogiochi.
272 Bath Street, Glasgow
Scotland, G2 4JR
Phone: +442080896841
© ArtCraft Education LLP 2019
— All rights reserved
— Icons made by Icons8